The Coalition was created in April 2018 to build a state-specific coalition (modeled after the national Protecting Immigrant Families coalition) to respond specifically to proposed public charge rule.
Content on page was last updated: 3-03-20
Ensured Numerous Unique Comments Filed in the Federal Register during the Public Charge Rule’s 60-Day Comment Period:
PIF-IL created sector-specific template comments opposing the proposed rule and that these templates were disseminated to curated, targeted list serv of willing organizational representatives.
PIF-IL created Illinois-specific template language on 22 different sector topics which was disseminated broadly statewide to targeted, issue-specific list servs. PIF-IL members contributed to the 266,077 comments submitted in the Federal Register during the comment period. Over the course of the comment period for the proposed Public Charge rule changes, Illinois’ generated 5,497 comments through the website.
Education of Immigrant-Serving Organizations. Providers, Funders, Local Decision-Makers and Legislators
In 2019, PIF-IL conducted over 100 community presentations and trainings serving over 3,000 individuals.
In 2018 PIF-IL members conducted over 100 community presentations and trainings serving over 3,700 individuals, including in Spanish, Korean, and Arabic.
PIF-IL Coalition members, including a majority of steering committee members attended the Human Relations Committee Hearing of the Chicago City Council to show support for the Committee’s Resolution opposing the new public charge rule. The list of PIF-IL steering committee/coalition member orgs that testified or provided public comment in support of the resolution included: NIJC, ICIRR, Legal Council for Health Justice, The Latino Policy Forum, Housing Action Illinois, The Ounce of Prevention Fund, Casa Michoacan, Access Living, Shriver Center on Poverty Law. In addition to the above organizations, Mujeres Latinas En Acción, Aids Foundation of Chicago, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign YMCA, the Greater Chicago Food Depository, and other organization representatives attended the hearing and/or provided written testimony.
PIF-IL organized 4 policy briefings including for funders, legislators and consulates.
Administrative Advocacy with Public Benefits Agencies
PIF-IL has organized and participated in meetings with the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) on the topic of data collection of SNAP and Medicaid enrollees who are affecting by the “chilling effect” and would be directly impacted by the final public charge rule.
PIF-IL has provided information to IDHS regarding relevant content for their meetings with the federal Office of Management and Budget to share how the final public charge rule would have negative impact on the state of Illinois.
PIF-IL has presented on the topic of the public charge rule in a special meeting held by the Public Education subcommittee of the Medicaid Advisory Committee, led by HFS and IDHS.
PIF-IL has provided training on the public charge to various Office Administrators of IDHS Family Community Resource Centers (FCRCs)